Cultural Heritage Open Scholarship Network (CHOSN)
What is CHOSN?
CHOSN is a community of practice for research support and research-active staff who work in Galleries-Libraries-Archives-Museums (GLAM) organisations interested in developing and sharing open scholarship knowledge and skills, organising events, and supporting each other. It aims to provide a platform to create synergy for those aiming for good practices in open scholarship.
The network was initiated by the British Library’s Research Infrastructure Services built on the experience of and positive feedback received from the repository training programme, which was run in 2023. You can read more about the launch of the network in this blog post.
Who is it for?
This network can be of interest to anyone who is facilitating, enabling, supporting research activities in GLAM organisations. They include but are not limited to research support staff, research-active staff, librarians, curatorial teams, IT specialists, copyright officers and so on. Anyone interested in the areas of open scholarship and works in cultural heritage organisations are welcome.
How to join?
If you are interested in joining the CHOSN network and hear about activities, please sign up for the listserv.
Contact us
Community activities are facilitated by the Research Infrastructure Team at the British Library. For your questions, you may contact them at the openaccess [at] bl.uk.
Last updated